
A Personal Matter


A failing mining operation in the Mexican hills has claimed its latest 'victim'; the American project engineer is fed up with cave-ins and other recurring problems. Unexpectedly, a car pulls up with two occupants. One is the mine's financier. The other man is supposedly an associate of his. With the mine needing only five more weeks of drilling and his project engineer on the verge of quitting, the desperate financier has run out of options and asks his associate to help make the engineer stay. He agrees, on one condition. The man's plan? Have the financier drive off right away leaving the engineer, as well as the financier's associate, stuck at the mine. With no options for at least 5-6 weeks, the engineer reluctantly agrees to continue the work. That night, the engineer hears a news report on the radio regarding the murder of a building project official in southern California, allegedly committed by a man who has fled to Mexico. Suspecting the new arrival from America and fearing for his life, the engineer tries to make a quick exit, but the financiers' associate walks in brandishing a gun. The two agree to a truce, albeit a temporary one, till the job is completed. As long as the truce is in effect, the engineer doesn't have to fear the associate killing him, and he'll continue to do his work. But after the job's completed, it's anyone's guess what will happen, leading to a twist at the end. 

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